Saturday, November 29, 2008

Today's Crescent Moon Goes To...

  ...Haji Yakub, the Taliban's (former) cross-dressing commandant:
KABUL, Afghanistan — Gunbattles and airstrikes by NATO and Afghan troops killed 53 militants in Afghanistan, including a wanted Taliban commander who tried to hide from soldiers under a woman's burqa, officials said Saturday....

Six women and 12 children left the building, but while soldiers were questioning the women they discovered one was actually a man dressed in a burqa, the traditional all-encompassing dress that most Afghan women wear. The man, later identified as the targeted commander Haji Yakub, tried to attack the soldiers and was killed, the military said.

I can't imagine what would make anyone want to follow leaders like these. Is it just the raw sex appeal?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008: V.I. Day

We learned that 2003's Mission Accomplished was premature, but in late 2007, with new leadership, a new strategy, and more boots on the ground, it became inevitable: The War in Iraq is over. The good guys won. The bad guys have been routed, and are abandoning the battlefield.

And their friends in the press are pretending like nothing ever happened.

This Saturday, please celebrate the Victory in Iraq. The MSM will never acknowledge it, but some day a grateful nation will come to her senses, and honor the sacrifices that have been made.

Thank you, to all those who have given so much on our behalf. And to those who have given everything: You will never be forgotten.

God bless you all.

(h/t zombietime.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Day, Another Decline

Six days before and after the election of Barack Obama to the U.S. Presidency:

(Chart generated at MSN Money.)

Courage and Cowardice

In Afghanistan:
Five Afghan schoolgirls have been attacked with battery acid by suspected Taliban fighters in the southern city of Kandahar....

"We were on the way to school when two men on motorbikes stopped next to us. One of them threw acid on my sister's face. I tried to help her and then they threw acid on me too," said Latefa, a 16-year-old student....

"But Latefa ... said that she is determined to continue her education, and she will not let this attack stop her from learning."
And in Yemen:
A ten-year-old child bride from Yemen has been honored as one of "Glamour" magazine's women of the year Monday night.

The "New York Daily News" is reporting that pint-sized Nujood Ali broke with tradition by demanding a divorce.

The girl was given up for marriage by her impoverished parents.

Although her 30-year-old groom had promised to wait until Ali was older before becoming intimate, he reportedly raped and beat her on their wedding night. When no one would take Ali to the courthouse to seek a divorce, she went on her own and sat there until a judge took notice.
Via the Jawa Report (here and here).

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Markets Respond to U.S. Election

5 days before and after the election of Barack Obama to the U.S. Presidency:

Any questions?

(Chart generated at MSN Money.)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Religion of Peace?

Via Jihad Watch:

"Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of submission. We need to submit to the will of Allah."
— Anjem Choudary

And exactly what is the will of Allah? Well, you have to take Choudary's word for that, because Allah himself ain't talking.

A great big Crescent Moon to you, Mr. Choudary!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

From the Jihadi Hall of Fame

The Numbers Game

The MSM has been telling us that this is the worst economy since the Great Depression. Some quick numbers:
  • Unemployment: 6.1% (September 2008)
  • Inflation Rate: 4.94% (September 2008)
  • Mortgage Rate: 5.625% ($250K, 15-year fixed, November 4, 2008)
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average: 9625.28 (4 November 2008 close)
  • Nasdaq: 1780.12 (4 November 2008 close)
Remember these numbers, because in three years, the same MSM will be telling us that President Obama's economy is booming with an 8% unemployment rate, 12% inflation, mortgages at 10%, and a stock market around 10,000.